Saturday, June 01, 2013

 Dear Diary:
It's June !Yeah~ June is about splendid ! Oh ya ! Happy birthday mum! First of all, I have to say a huge thanks to preetie D , she sacrified her sleeping hours to make this cake. It's Mocha Walnut Torte  !
Frankly speaking that, i crushed a little for this cake, so it doesn't look that perfect as compare to the original or the fresh baked. And due to the lighting in my house, i can able to make this effect, so sorry for that. hope you can forgive me, but it's all does't matters. The thing is the cake is just perfect for us, either from the aspect of taste and deco. We really appreciate that so so much !  Once again, T-H-A-N-K  Y-O-U !
oh ya again~ happy birthday my best brother, Aaron ! Although we got to know each other late, started from form 3 i think, but the thing is things happen weirdly that we were like brother from the last century, we shared things ,thoughts, ideas, jokes , or even stupid pranks. Happy Birthday Bro! sometimes, i was wondering how will be my secondary school life looks like if i missed to know this friend from my life? This question is quite bothering and yet i dare not to think about it, surely it will be tedious and dull.Grateful to have you this bro. Although we missed the chance to meet up and unable to pass you the gift i prepared,but I do hope that you will receive my bless to you . 
Oh YA , the third time, mum,I love you ♥ ! 

"Thank you for the endurance for all these years, please forgive my naiveness sometimes, and the rebellious acting, so sorry for that, I know you love me, but sometimes I rather to choose not to face the reality, the more you love me, the more I feel guilty and regrets. But, Thank you! I do really love you. Maybe it's hard to speak out, but this were all my words to you from deep inside."

p/s: hope everything will be going smoothly for my sister, since she is going to work in singapore. Like what she said dream catcher, catches the good ones, and blow away the bad ones. good luck sis!