The views i promised to post ! here are they ! nice right ? i can stay here for centuries ! how cozy is it ! ah ~ feeling want to go there one more time
Thursday, October 31, 2013
The views i promised to post ! here are they ! nice right ? i can stay here for centuries ! how cozy is it ! ah ~ feeling want to go there one more time

Before I post photos for the Grand Lexis's Hotel that i've promised, I am so eager to share this out. Free Mori! A pastry shop that I'm crushed on it lately.
1. Mille Danish
2. Hammershus
3. Fate stone & Lost World (back)
4. Dark Swirl
5. Frutie

Monday, October 28, 2013
Hello October, finally i finished my sept intake! wow! At last! Feeling damn exotic now. Nevertheless, i had my little adventure with a bunch of my UCSI's friends. Erm.. To start my diary, let me explain something clear, yes! they are my friends, but not as close as a family type like Macho M and Preetie D. Okie ~
Last wednesday, after my thermodynamics test, I was feeling so damn excited, ya that indicates that I am having my holidays soon ! yeepi ~ I packed all my things that day. WHY ?! yes, you may ask me why. Cause I am going to PD ! woohoo ~ PD, a place that we used often to write in our primary school's essays or even secondary's. PD, a very well known place for tourist. Yes, I am going there !
one of friends, TKL introduced a place that he got offers from his cousins, i guessed. The place or to be said is our hotel is Grand Lexis. Darn ! It is so damn nice and relaxing place. The ori price is about 2k ! luckily we got it 400 and share with a bunch of people like 13 of us. The hotel's photos will be upload soon. So, I captured some photos in PD. Enjoy !
seriously, I found out that I have less closely with them, although I already try my very best to fit myself into their shoes. But, still I felt strange and I hate this feeling. It makes me feel like i am ignored, i think. I was thinking when I reached there. How IF i have the chance to go there again with the bunch of people I love, how would the feeling be ? Will it difference ? How deeply in my heart wish that I can come here again with preetie D and macho M ! [T.T]
Anyway, I shared laughters with them. At least it is not the worst one. 2 years to go with them.trying hard to fit them in. I hope i can do it !
Okie, the photos are all edited by VSCOcam. A very special filters apps in my phone. I think I will buy those filters one day and install in my Mac. cause it is seriously so nice ! Love it
p/s: am thinking to have a tattoo ! ahhh~
|V|V|I|IV| this is what i wanted so badly.. WIN !

Monday, September 02, 2013
Hello diary, it's been a very long time that I didn't update you. It's so sorry to abandon you for quite some time.So, today I'm going to tell you some stuffs happen last few months or just few weeks ago, since today is just 3rd of Sept. Okie Dokie ! As you can see the photos above, yes ! D-R-E-A-M || C-A-T-C-H-E-R !
This is the gift from my elder sister, she loves this very very much. From the sense I know is that this little thing is actually from native american, and the dream catcher was intended to protect the sleeping individual from negative dreams, while letting positive dreams through. The positive dreams would slip through the hole in the center of the dream catcher, and glide down the feathers to the sleeping person below. The negative dreams would get caught up in the web, and expire when the first rays of the sun struck them. .Besides, it symbolises the unity & strength. My sister gave me this is because she said that when the first time she went to singapore, she faced difficulties in almost everything in oversea as the cultures there is so much differ from M'sia (totally agreed ! ), she can't follow up the pace of the singaporean, it's always fast and fast. She said she almost crumpled down , so one day, when she was walking along the street , she saw someone was selling these, so without any further doubt , she bought it and hang it up around the place where she always used to sleep. And magically she sleeps well after hanging up. So, she gave me this so that i won't always think of my illness and can have a really good sleep. So much thanks to her, and I tell you what?! Amazingly, I have good sleeping after putting this everynight around me. The purpose to write this is because I have to say that my sister does really love me , and I promise myself to love her always.
Okie! the next photo you see is the paper-made Origami. Wow ! I have to admit it this is so darn nice ! I love so so much too ! Yes ! Obviously, it is from preetie D again. Haha.. she bought this for me all the way from Thailand (I have forgotten the place she went, but that's not the main point.), I'm very appreciated that and do really love it , I place it in my bag always from now on. So, from the contents she wrote i can really understand that she has went through a very tough time since the abalone she liked, somehow rejected her, I mean come on ! That Japanese is damn so normal if without make up ! Preetie D is much much more better than her, the biggest point is preetie D is prettier than even in the condition without make up ! oh please! are you blind ?! I just hope preetie D knew that if she has any problems , tell me ! I am your biggest fans to hear your hardships..
p/s: oh ya, Macho M who was just came back from Thailand too bought me a purplish pant. Although I think the pant is a bit outstanding, i mean the colour, but I can wear it, the size is just fit me , happy ! and I already wore it on last Sunday, bromance enough leh ~ haha... Oh ya! If you still can't recover your broken-heart , call me okie?! I am your biggest fans too.. No worries, I won't split out a single secrets of yours. I promise ! and I just think that your case happen too sudden, I am still not cope with it. Anyway , I wish you can think positively, you still have a lot of flowers from the side walk, haha... you got what i mean. okie, it's 1am now, gotta sleep now, good night world, & good night peeps :D

Tuesday, July 02, 2013
Dear Diary:
"Hello July & Bye June", it's been a hardship for me during june, all tests and assignments come in sudden ! I can barely take a breath. Fingers cross that July will be a good month for me :D
July, for me is a month filled with joyful and merry. I can't wait to meet you guys! How I wish I can end my semester now, and go vacation with you guys and takes tons of photos (I don't mind buying another memory card) ! Everyone seem so busy, that's the reason that keep me moving forward! July ! I will start my work out and swimming everyday, and ya ! blueberries for this month, no longer blackberries and kiwis :9
Let's talk about these photos above, I spent quite some time to capture all these. There are no reasons why I like the B-O-K-E-H ! They look so warm and adorable in their way c:
I hope I can really be more hardworking ! Aaahhhhh~ this is the last semester that decide whether or not I can get scholarship , FIGHTING ! for me, and for my loves ! especially you & you ah! remember drink more water and rest earlier. 'chong miang gong fu chong miang zhuo' !
p/s: took all these photos in Setapak, Wangsa Maju. Their night scene is seriously no doubt! nice till the max !! I think I should buy myself a lotion, just spotted one- physiogel. I heard what my friend said is very good to dry and irritated skin. I think I will buy for body and facial as well :P

Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Dear Diary:
Just wanted to share these photos to all of you, especially preetie D, since she loves pastry so much. This is not APPLE ! It's yeast-free cake, pretty sure none of you know what is this, okie! let's me explain about it , the so called yeast-free cake is that the cake contains no yeast within itself. Obviously, the cake will be a bit tough to bite with. But for me, I think that the texture is nice, since apple should be crispy and crunchy.What's most importantly is that I love the colour covers entirely the cake, it's truly similar or to be specifically camouflage to a true apple. B U T ! The filling inside is sort of so so only. At least still have a space to be improve.
p/s: I bought these from K-O-M-U-G-I , really satisfied with their pastries ! It's all yeast-free ! Oh ya, there is a stick looked bread, It's actually olive bread :) Give these a Got To Try tag on it.

Thursday, June 06, 2013
Dear Diary:
Finally have some times to do things that I like ! Yes! Erm.. feeling grumpy and upset these few days due to two reason. First and foremost, the thing that I felt it that way is all related to my presentation for energy balances. I learned something from someone " The Late Night Preparing Comes With A Pay Of NOTHING ". Ya! It's you - Sleepy S (Sleepy A S S < sounds alike)! You know how much effort I had put in in the presentation slides ? How many sleeping hours I had sacrifice in order to get high marks and outstanding in the class. I didn't care about the marks actually, BUT please show me your responsibility ! It's our duty to present! You know how many calls I had made? and I even yelled in front of your house like an idiot, and every passers looked me like a LUNATIC ! This is not the maddest thing, the thing is, I care for every single friends of mine, I thought you were stomach ache or period ache, N O P E ! you told me you were oversleeping, should I forgive you ? I have no idea. Maybe yes, but now is not the right time. sorry !
The second slightly upset thing is that, macho M! where have you been ? I don't know even how to contact you since my internet connection here is sort of sucky, web contact is invalid until I change my internet package. Just contact me once you saw this. Love you always.
p/s: my sister brought me the cupcakes. You know what?! The taste is fantastic. I was wondering which shop she visited? And the package is so funny, the shop was using the TaiYangBing's boxes. But that's not the major stuff. I am official:
1. G R E E N _ T E A _ L O V E R ♥
2. C U P C A K E S _ L O V E R ♥
3. F R I E N D S _ L O V E R ♥
Oh Ya, The Perks Of Being A Wallflower is my recent favourite book! Just so much eager , wanted to be like what Charlie do.

Sunday, June 02, 2013
Just a random photos that I wanted to share.
|| B-L-A-C-K B-E-R-R-I-E-S ||
My mom said this contains more vitamin than kiwi, i have wondering whether it is true? hopefully, she even told me that there is more anti-oxidants within. even more doubt..
But, the taste is good although it's a little sour.
It's truly black! until I was unable to capture the nature colour. Next try -Raspberries :D

Saturday, June 01, 2013
Dear Diary:
It's June !Yeah~ June is about splendid ! Oh ya ! Happy birthday mum! First of all, I have to say a huge thanks to preetie D , she sacrified her sleeping hours to make this cake. It's Mocha Walnut Torte ♥ !
Frankly speaking that, i crushed a little for this cake, so it doesn't look that perfect as compare to the original or the fresh baked. And due to the lighting in my house, i can able to make this effect, so sorry for that. hope you can forgive me, but it's all does't matters. The thing is the cake is just perfect for us, either from the aspect of taste and deco. We really appreciate that so so much ! Once again, T-H-A-N-K Y-O-U !
oh ya again~ happy birthday my best brother, Aaron ! Although we got to know each other late, started from form 3 i think, but the thing is things happen weirdly that we were like brother from the last century, we shared things ,thoughts, ideas, jokes , or even stupid pranks. Happy Birthday Bro! sometimes, i was wondering how will be my secondary school life looks like if i missed to know this friend from my life? This question is quite bothering and yet i dare not to think about it, surely it will be tedious and dull.Grateful to have you this bro. Although we missed the chance to meet up and unable to pass you the gift i prepared,but I do hope that you will receive my bless to you .
Oh YA , the third time, mum,I love you ♥ !
"Thank you for the endurance for all these years, please forgive my naiveness sometimes, and the rebellious acting, so sorry for that, I know you love me, but sometimes I rather to choose not to face the reality, the more you love me, the more I feel guilty and regrets. But, Thank you! I do really love you. Maybe it's hard to speak out, but this were all my words to you from deep inside."
p/s: hope everything will be going smoothly for my sister, since she is going to work in singapore. Like what she said dream catcher, catches the good ones, and blow away the bad ones. good luck sis!

Thursday, May 30, 2013
Dear Diary:
First of all, I would like to say something about these few photos. These were taken by me and my sister before we were going to cousin's cousin's wedding. How confusing..Finally i got my D E N I M ! I like this piece so much ! haha, although for me it's quite costly, but i really like it, still left a necklace to be suited, (from my own creepy fashion sense).My photography technique as well as the photoshop needed to be improved more somehow. I wished I really can be like JennySun, JasmineStar, and AliceGao - Daily and wedding well known photographer. After sawing D's post, i felt so ashamed, she is so insisting in her favourite field, but how about me? embarrassing !
I truly feel guilty because I took some orders from my friend, and I sort of ordering Preetie D to do all these orders. She really sacrified a lot, insomnia? nope ! is sleepless ! Indeed! more precise and correct. TT
I know her not more than 3 years, but somehow I feel like I knew her from ago. If you ask me, how special is she, she is just a friend of yours. NOPE! she is more than a friend, she is my family, and of cause family comes from different members and own member play their vital role. Very thanks for every one of them. You all gave me the strength to live. Thank you !
p/s: writing these while listening to WanTing's songs.. Life is like a song, Shine over me and star in you ,highly recommended for the use of music therapy.

Monday, May 20, 2013
Dear Diary:
This saturday and sunday were amazing. I had a really wonderful weekend. Although I still have one more thing haven't done yet, and that thing is irritating my mood for quote some time. But, for these few days, I can said that I totally forgot that annoying feeling. Thanks Friends, you all bring me these, a very special thing that can't be describe deeply and it's valuable.Had a very nice foods, excited 'chong k', sweet chit-chatting, and etc..
Went to a very cozy and warm place - Shakespeare !
I bet you all will not regret going there, although the price there is quite costly. Besides, the pastry is a must try when you go there.It's mouth-watering. But of cause friendship is more sweeter and more lasting than all those yummy foods.They are all beyond friendship, they are more like my family.(except for suki, she still in the good friend stage, so so different from you all)
And here, I have to say love you for daddy, Sh, Angel and preetie D .Thanks for the accompany for these two days :D
- Thank you Friend, Love, Family -

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