Dear Diary:
Hi, diary. I've been so thoughtful today. wanted to write all my feeling down here. Okie, before that, let me say something happy, merry. Can you guys see the pic above that a plastic container fulfilled with the efforts? I mean the biscuits, ohh they look so delicious ! can't even resist myself to try them out, but WAIT ! CNY isn't come yet, so , still have to wait until the exact day . Anyway, thank you to my preetie D whom seriously in love with baking and all these pastries thingy. And trust me ! your baking skill is 2 thumbs up, don't doubt that! give yourself confident! I'm still looking forward for the grand open of your pastry shop. Just wanna drop by and say congratulation, that kind of feeling is really good, i can literally taste it. haha.. thanks dear for the efforts.
secondly, i just love the quote from the pic which my friend posted it on Facebook. It's so simply yet so true ! Travel as as much as you can. As far as you can. As long as you can. Life's Not Meant To Be Lived in One Place ! what really struck into my mind is that, i'm young, but tick tock, time passes like nobody even care and recognised, why don't you do something that really inspire you, to make your life beautiful and meaningful. It's only take you a bit braveness to do it ! show it your guts ! make your life unpredictable! anything can happen ! explore more than you can imagine!
okie, the last thought may be a little sentimental. Here it goes. Oh ya, before it starts, i'm listening to Jessie J- Who You Are. Damn it's so touching , it just makes me feel so blue. Anyway, here the story. The printed screen pic is what my friend've gone through this awful, horrible & tough week to her. I mean who have ever imagine that will happen. A friend of mine- Kay. Her boyfriend diagnosed a cancer relapse in his body, i do not know the details about it. But i know that's not easy to go through with this, here the words for my friend, it's okie no to be okie. But, if anything bad happen (which i don't wish to happen), remember that I am standing there for you! i don't know how to say anything to console you, since I've mine too. I am not a strong believer, but i do believe in faith. Kay, Hold tight for that! Believe in anything you would like to believe, don't loose it, miracle just a few steps ahead. if god makes this as a challenge for you both, you challenge it ! i know you can do it, to be honest, i look up to you since i was standard 6. Seriously, you inspired me a lot. So, I believe you can do it this time ! Maybe the people around the whole do not know how exactly you feel now, but that's doesn't matter! as long as you don't give it up !
p/s: it's almost 4 am, and i can barely open my eyes and write all this. I just let my prayer to make tomorrow a better world ! good night , xoxo :*)